Legal aid is available to residents of Region #10 (Linden and the surrounding communities) who cannot afford to pay for a private attorney when confronted with a legal problem. You can call or visit the Linden Legal Aid Centre for direct legal assistance at the following address:
97-98 Republic Avenue
Mackenzie, Linden, Guyana
Telephone: (592) 444-6920
Cell: (592) 679-9047
We are open for business five days per week as follows:
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
When you visit our Centre you will be asked to answer a few questions (called a ‘means’ test) to determine whether you qualify for free or subsidized legal services.
Old Age Pensioners, juveniles and the disabled automatically qualify for legal aid.
How You Can Help
You can help us to continue to provide equal access to justice for the residents of Linden by making a donation.
Who We Are
The Linden Legal Aid Centre is a non-profit, limited liability company that was established to provide equal access to the justice system for poor, low-income and vulnerable residents of Region #10 (Linden and the surrounding communities) who would otherwise be unable to afford an attorney.
Our specific objectives are as follows:
- To provide legal advice and representation in civil matters and in criminal cases where adequate legal representation would make a material difference to the prospect of an accused person receiving a fair trial.
- To provide legal representation and assistance to women and children who are victims of domestic and sexual violence.
- To provide public education and training in the pursuit of justice and the reduction of crime and violence in the community.
- To conduct evaluation research to ascertain the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the services provided, and to respond appropriately to the results of this research.
On behalf of the Linden community, the Board of Directors of the Linden Legal Aid Centre wishes to acknowledge and extend sincere thanks to our donor agencies for the funding received during the period of January 2008 through August 2009:
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID-Guyana Democratic Consolidation and Conflict Resolution (GDCCR) Project).
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF-Guyana Child Protection Project). Click here to visit UNICEF-Guyana’s website.)